Smart Airtightness WorksHow to install a functional vapour control layer: Partel IZOPERM PLUS Product SystemMarch 10, 2022Video
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Smart Airtightness WorksHow to install a fire-resistant vapour control layer – Partel IZOPERM PLUS FR Product InstallationMay 6, 2021Video
Smart Airtightness WorksHow to install a smart vapour control layer – Partel VARA PLUS Product System InstallationApril 1, 2021Video
Smart Airtightness WorksHow to install a flame-retardant & UV stable breathable membrane – Partel EXOPERM MONO DUROMarch 3, 2021Video
Smart Airtightness WorksHow to install a windtight reflective membrane | Partel ECHOFOIL EXO – Product System InstallationFebruary 12, 2021Video
Smart Airtightness WorksHow to install a roof underlay and wind barrier: EXOPERM MONO 150 Product System InstallationDecember 23, 2020Video