Why build an airtight house?
The Partel Market leading 10 year warranty is designed for maximum security. Its linked to training, design and installation.
10 reasons for an air and windtight House with Partel
- Ventilation system can work to its maximum efficiency
- Structural damage through incorrect layering is avoided
- Heating cost is reduced
- Draughts are avoided
- Mould is avoided
- Indoor air quality is improved
- Sound Insulation is improved
- Compliance with regulations
- Walls and roofs are designed to dry and breath over time
- Lifetime products are used – longevity is improved.
These days, homeowners and clients expect more in terms of quality in their homes. In particular, they pay special attention to their climate: It has to be comfortable, It should not damp or too dry and the energy costs must be kept within reason. In other words: Everything should be right, with no ifs or buts. Which is one more reason why the construction of new buildings should always be airtight. Build well, build airtight. Heat loss due to a lack of airtightness is extremely expensive and can potentially cause great damage. The installation of a high quality airtight layer protects you from future damages and maintenance/running costs. The investment in quality products is relatively small compared to the damages that can be caused by building physics failures.
At Partel we have worked on a standardisation of robust airtight details designed to ensure the following: –
- Compliance with building regulations
- Quality detailing to achieve excellent blower door results
- Standardised yet climate specific detailing to ensure safe installations.
Our details when applied correctly will always exceed the current building regulations and achieve lower than 0.6 air changes – the passive house standard All of construction drawings are available for free download at the links below
Auto cad and PDF drawings available on request – contact us here